Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Earth Hour

Wrote on 27th March :

Let there be light and indeed there was light.. More light ..Until Woodward said let there be bulb!
Since then there been light ... of various ...light cheese. Light chopper, Light cholestrol, Light diet, light man , Light married life, light love , Light luck , Lighters ... light faith .. to 'you are my light of my life '!
Lights all over..

From a Clown to any Town ..

But when we talk about the real light, the light from the bulb , thatz some energy radiating to some scope.
Never thought how much global warming and bulb comes together into the 'lighter' side of our life !


Tomorrow is Earth hour. Support.. The Scaffold is in your shoulders now. Our kids should'nt suffer because of us.

The Global movement against Global warming.

Join the movement....

Be a part of this one big home .. Earth.

All you have to do is Switch off your lights from 8.30 to 9.30 late in the evening (20.30- 21:30)

Support the Pillar.
You make the Change.. You are the Change.. You Change.


When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.

No Bulbingly

" Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.

The lights are going down from the Great Pyramids to the Acropolis, the Eiffel Tower to Sears Tower, as more than 2,800 municipalities in 84 countries plan Saturday to mark the second worldwide Earth Hour.

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